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Friday, April 10, 2009

POTUS Obama bowing to a foreign head of state.


This is wrong, just plain wrong.


LiberalDemDave said...

brother, i find this posting deeply offensive.

as one who has spent so much time studying cultural context and biblical history, i find it deeply troubling and saddening that you have embraced the idea that our president was "bowing" in some way inappropriate.

the president was not submitting himself to some saudi royal as someone better than himself. nor was he "bowing" to the saudi royal in defiance of God's supremacy. he was being respectful to a timeless tradition of greeting in a culture different from ours.

i fear that you are equating something from our culture like a handshake to have a different "meaning" in a different culture.

by all means, i don't castigate you for being a "conservative" as that is your right as an american. however, as a man of faith (particularly as a GAY man of faith), i don't expect you to buy into the bearing of false witness proscribed by the religious right...without more commentary, that is the conclusion drawn from this posting.

with ALL respect,

david greer

Rick Brentlinger said...

Hi Dave-

I wrote: "This is wrong, just plain wrong."

And Dave responded that my opinion is "deeply offensive... deeply troubling."

Methinks you are FAR too easily offended.


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