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How to witness for Jesus

Monday, March 1, 2010

Are you fulfilling your purpose in life?

Have you told anyone about Jesus lately?

This witness to Lilly and Travis was recorded live in California.

Where can I get some good gospel tracts to pass out?


Anonymous said...

I find it hard to witness for Jesus.

When they accept Jesus, if they go to an evangelical church... they begin to be homophobic.

If I send people to a liberal church... they stop believing that the bible is the word of God.

Rick Brentlinger said...

Hi Patrick-

I've noticed the same thing. Our first responsibility is to witness for Jesus.

Its up to the Holy Spirit to lead people into truth.

Some folks who get saved will not study their Bible enough to learn the truth.

We have no control over that. But we can determine in our hearts to witness for Jesus and leave the results to Him.

Sometimes our witness may be no more than just giving someone a gospel tract.

Sometimes it may include talking to them and praying with them as they receive Jesus into their heart by faith.

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