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Pray, then kill gays and lesbians?

Friday, November 27, 2009

NEW YORK – Truth Wins Out (TWO) today urged world leaders and members of Congress to skip the National Prayer Breakfast, February 4th, in protest of ‘The Family’s (aka The Fellowship) direct role in promoting a bill that would lead to severe human rights abuses against gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people in Uganda.

“The National Prayer Breakfast is giving legitimacy to those who promote barbarism in the name of the Bible,” said TWO’s Executive Director Wayne Besen. “We hope that world leaders who care about human rights will reconsider attending this year’s breakfast. To say grace with the people pushing this hateful and dehumanizing bill in Uganda would be disgraceful.”

Read the rest of the story here... http://www.truthwinsout.org/pressreleases/2009/11/5048/


Gay Christian 101 - Spiritual Self-Defense For Gay and Lesbian Christians

Gay Christian 101 - Spiritual Self-Defense For Gay and Lesbian Christians
Click the red book
for info

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