Gay Christian Mall
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
We have built a stand alone Amazon Affiliate Store for our website. We call it Gay Christian Mall. Click the title to see our store. provides hundreds of pages of FREE information and resources to the GLBT community around the world.
When you purchase something from Amazon through our Gay Christian Mall, you pay the same price you would normally pay.
And all your purchases are protected by Amazon's superb security and excellent customer service. Because we're advertising for Amazon, they pay us a small percentage based on what you buy.
That small percentage helps us pay the bills and keep online, providing FREE information for tens of thousands of visitors each month.
Your support - buying things through our store - is a great way to partner with us in this gay Christian ministry. It costs you nothing extra but it helps us get God's truth to thousands of people. Thank You!
If you'd like to post a Link to Gay Christian Mall on your Blog or website, feel free to do so. Here's the address of Gay Christian Mall.
Many thanks! -Rick
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